Time to time

Paths of a generation

curated by Luca Pietro Nicoletti

The exhibition Tempo al tempo. Percorsi di una generazione, whose allusive title means Time to Time. Paths of a generation, presents artists born between the end of the Seventies and Eighties. It offers two reading paths dedicated to “time” and “matter”: a return to the media of the visual arts in their tactile and material consistency, accompanied by the need to compete with the memory of the twentieth century at the beginning of the new millennium; and to deal with the present and levels of reality that open in perspective. Indeed, there is a return to the interest in the themes and problems of sculpture, emblematically summarised by Valdi Spagnulo (born in 1961) in the church of Santa Maria dei Battuti, and that oscillate between the primacy of the matter (Nitti Sotres, Gianfreda, Kudo) and that of the design (Galluzzo).
If a certain pictorial sensibility goes especially through the photography (Cremona) or the reinvention of the art of printing (Useli), the two-dimensional image undergoes manipulations that attempt to display metaphors of the memory (Moretti, Pizzolante) and ends up drawing from the imaginative processes of the collage (Marinelli, Gioiello), with technological means. Perhaps, on this path, we will be able to trace a profile of a generation.


Ufficio Beni e attività Culturali Comune di San Vito al Tagliamento
tel. 0434.833295

Punto IAT
tel. 0434.80251