Palinsesti arrives at its seventeenth edition with the vitality and the attention to contemporary art that has characterized the life of San Vito al Tagliamento for more than thirty years, continuing from one council administration to the next and remaining true to the principle of freedom that is foundational to the project and that has been confirmed across every edition.
The main exhibition of the festival, Mappe di colore – dedicated to one of the various branches of aniconic art research revolving around the pigment’s ability of autonomous expression – is set up over the three floors of the Antico Ospedale Battuti and displays works by Tetsuro Shimizu, Pope, Mario Palli, Walter Zironda and Sandi Renko, whose work is also present in a large installation in the nearby spaces of the church of Santa Maria dei Battuti.
The focus on San Vito’s permanent collection Punto Fermo follows the underlying idea of the exhibition mentioned above with a tribute to the work of Graziano Negri, characterized by the atmospheric vibration of his wide, solemn spot-like coats of color.
The In Sesto Prize presents some novelties instead, having asked the invited artists – French artists Quentin Lefranc and Chantal Vey and Sasha Vinci from Italy– to develop a project dedicated to the figure and work of Pier Paolo Pasolini, in line with the celebrations of his centennial birth anniversary. The winning project will then be set up in the hamlet of Ligugnana, dear to the author during the time spent in Friuli.
For the first time, the usual intervention of public art thus reaches beyond the range of the historical center of San Vito, something somewhat anticipated by 2021 winner Hella Gerlach’s installation, destined for the spaces of the former Foro Boario, and her solo exhibition at Palazzo Tullio-Altan entitled Spiritual Bypass III.
Palinsesti 2022
Exhibition of Contemporary Art
29 October 2022 -15 January 2023
San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
Saturday 29 october 2022
h. 5 p.m.
San Vito al Tagliamento
Antico Teatro Sociale “G. G. Arrigoni”
Opening of the Review
Following the visit to the sections of the exhibition
Promoted by
Promoted by
Comune di San Vito al Tagliamento
Assessorato alla Vitalità
With the support of
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
In partnership with
Università degli Studi di Udine
Fondazione Ado Furlan
Gruppo volontari della cultura di
San Vito al Tagliamento
I.S.I.S. “Paolo Sarpi” di San Vito
al Tagliamento
Magalì Cappellaro
Giada Centazzo
Alice Debianchi
Antonio Garlatti
Michela Lupieri
Luca Pietro Nicoletti
Serenella Todesco
Arianna Silvestri
General coordination
Antonio Garlatti
Administrative office
Giada Centazzo
Anna Coassin
Alice Debianchi
Serena Piva
In collaboration with
Eleonora Dal Bon
Carlotta Flora
Press office
Antonio Garlatti
Giada Centazzo
Serena Piva
Graphic design
Stefano Marotta, Post Past
Caterina Guardini
(responsabile generale)
Aja Bain (revisione finale)
Giorgia Di Lenardo
Oriana Karina Lopez Felli
Set up
Michele Tajariol
Printing by
Pasian di Prato (UD)
Monica Beltrame
Alessandro Del Puppo
Deborah Del Sal
Fabiola Fontanel
Caterina Furlan
Fausto Giraldi
Roberto Medini
Alessandro Negri
Alessandra Rosset
Valentino Turchetto
Personnel at Servizio Tecnico Manutentivo del Comune di San Vito al Tagliamento
Guarnerio Editore
Guarnerio Soc. Coop
Via della Rosta, 46 – 33100 Udine
Tel. +39.0432 204097